World, meet Goodside

April 8, 2023
By Danielle LaRoy, Co-Founder & Creative Director at Goodside
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We’re big believers in the power of brands to bring more sunshine into the world and more goodness into our day. We started Goodside to build them, together. Sign up for our newsletter to keep up with the latest or contact us about a collab.

“When we start a studio...”

We’ve been starting sentences with this phrase for years. Always with a half serious, half definitely-serious-but-masked-in-a-joke kind of tone. Because on some level, it always felt inevitable.

Jess and I met at an agency in San Francisco. We became fast friends and great teammates. We worked for Goliaths like Google and Instagram, underdogs reinventing their industries, and radicals like Patagonia and Robinhood who were out to change the world.

Through it, we discovered that we were both the same kind of creative (or perhaps just the same flavor of nitpicky). Jess liked to be deep in the strategy. I liked to write directly into her designs. We had a lot of those cliché collabs you see in stock photos, pointing at each other’s screens and asking what if we tried that this way?  and Can you shorten this a smidge? There was a lot of toe stepping at first and a lot of learning along the way—I learned not to give Jess bad news before coffee, for example. But what came out of it was our own way of working that worked remarkably well.

Having both worked in-house and agency-side, we found that the division of strategy, design, and copy into separate disciplines didn’t lend itself to the full-of-life brands we wanted to build. Granted, a good handoff goes a long way. But even great runners drop the baton from time to time. So we decided to build a place for people like us. Strategy-minded designers, design-driven copywriters, illustrator-animators, artsy developers, and the like—a home for multi-hyphenates and misfits who dare to do many things very well. And don’t mind stepping on each other’s toes for the sake of a better brand.

We’re calling it Goodside.

Cute name, right? We think so. Mostly because it reflects the yes-and energy that we want to bring into the universe. Like a "Hi!" said a little too loudly. Or a friend that’s an easy laugh. That’s Goodside.

As a studio, our purpose is simple: we started Goodside to bring out the best in every brand. To find that nugget of goodness, secret sauce, special something that sets you on fire—and then share it with the world.

We’ve been building this practice quietly over the last few years working independently, together. We’ve done it for brands like Primer, a team working to create the education system our kids deserve. And for Puck, who’s making hiring more human. For Storyworth, connecting people through stories. And Romanwell, who’s improving IBD care every day. Our plan is to continue doing this purpose-driven work we’ve been doing, now under our delicious new moniker.

World, meet Goodside.  

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